The final word

After visiting several countries and reviewing the cities I felt were the most popular abroad destinations, it is safe to say that when looking at places to go abroad, Prague should be at the top of everyone's list. While Prague may not have had the best food or the most efficient transportation system, it would provide students with the best overall experience as it excels in many other categories and is no worse than average in areas that aren't necessarily its strengths. When looking at the final grades, one must remember that each city is rated based on an experience abroad there and not just a weekend getaway; cities like Amsterdam can make for wonderful weekend trips while cities like Barcelona may be better suited for an entire semester abroad.

The grading equivalents are as follows:
A     - 4.0
AB  - 3.5
B     - 3.0
BC  - 2.5
C    - 2.0
D    - 1.0
F    - 0

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