Rome. IT: When in Rome

Prepared to set a record in the "weight gained in a single weekend" category, I arrived in Rome with a bag filled with my loosest clothing. Beyond my expectations for weekend spent eating amazing food, were the ancient historic sites which were scattered through Rome. Rome, one of the oldest cities in Europe kept much of its remains from the days of its glorious Roman Empire, one of the most powerful society has ever seen and being that this is one of the eras of human history that I am most fascinated by, I was very excited. Here are my thoughts from the weekend:

Transportation: C
I don't think there is any way that a city can design a less efficient mass transit system. All of the underground metro rail's only run in one direction meaning that if station B follows station A on the map you need to take a ride through stations C through Z before you can arrive back at station A. The bus system runs in a similar fashion except for the fact that bus drivers are known to strike regularly. Having a bus pull over in the middle of its route and have the bus driver walk out on his job is a regular occurrence in Rome and one that happened to our friends studying there several times.

Accommodations: C
The apartments in Rome were, for the most part, were no worse than Prague and saved the grade for Rome in this category. They were equipped with all of the modern amenities and very reasonably sized. They were also located in a fairly central area in relation to the rest of the city and were within a reasonable walk (5-10 min) from a school where many abroad students study.
The locals in Rome are solely responsible for the poor grade the city received in this category. What I expected from the Parisians I ended up getting from the Romans. The males were among the most aggressive and regularly greeted Americans with a scowl or a scoff. The females, similar to their male counterparts, were exceptionally cold and had no regard for anyone outside of their group. Nevertheless, I could hardly blame them, after all, if I was subjected to living with the Italian malesIi that my friends and I encountered, I would probably be a cold S.O.B.

Nightlife: B
Romes nightlife was without a question very entertaining. The bars and clubs are full of diversity with musical genres and scenes which suit a wide variety of tastes. An area known as Campo di Fiori has a variety of ex-pat and native bars which include both an indoor and outdoor area, yielding one large mixed crowd. Outside of Campo di Fiori, there weren't many places which stayed open past 3am and Campo can tend to be slightly overcrowded and unsanitary at peak hours.

Safety: BC
Some of the reasons Rome received a C in the "accommodations" category are the same reasons that Rome received a BC in this category. Generally there was very little about Rome that made me and my friends feel threatened, but the rude and aggressive nature of the locals made me feel like even an accidental bump into someone may spark an altercation.

Affordability.: BC
Rome was not incredibly expensive but at the same time you could get a lot more for your money in other culturally rich cities like Paris or Barcelona. Museums and other points of interest are fairly expensive and do not offer discounts to students. Dining out is also hardly affordable and considering the cost of buying fresh delicacies at the market,  the costs of food which is consumed while eating out is incredibly marked up.

Aesthetic/Scenic Beauty: B
Seeing Rome receive a grade of a B in this category is like seeing Michael Vick or O.J. Simpson serve time behind bars; its not that they don't deserve it but that its such a shame to see such talent not live up to its full potential and go to waste. From the Coliseum, to the Vatican, Spanish Steps, the Pantheon and the Roman Forum, so much of Rome's beauty is neglected and horribly preserved. The city is incredibly filthy and the river which flows through Rome takes on a solid shade of green.

Cuisine: A
If there was ever a single reason to study abroad or visit Rome, it is hands-down the cuisine. I am partial to Italian food but even those who prefer other types of food were left in awe with the quality of cuisine that Rome had to offer. For those on a budget, it does not take much to eat well. By simply walking into a deli one will get the best selection of prosciutto, salami, mortadella, they have ever tried, just to name a few (of the meats). For vegans, Rome has some of the most amazing fresh mozzarella, sauces, and baked goods one can ask for.

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