Amsterdam, Netherlands: Europe's sin-city

Ahhh Amsterdam... the city all my friends back home will probably ask about first when they talk to me about my time abroad. And while some may think it is a dream location for 4 months spent abroad, I will do my best to convince them of the opposite; that it is a great city to visit but if you want to gain more from your experience than you lose, in terms of brain cells, you will take your weekend trip there, just like everyone else, and move on. Everyone has their reasons for looking forward to Amsterdam... the pot, the red-light district, the seemingly endless partying, but beyond those reasons lies a city with remarkable beauty and culture. And while my review may not seem encouraging, readers must keep in mind that I evaluate Amsterdam as a city for the purpose of studying abroad, not for a weekend trip. I truly do believe Amsterdam is one of the better places to visit in Europe and with that, I present you with my thoughts (which I hope don't convince you otherwise):

Transportation: AB
Amsterdam's transit system, although one of the smaller ones in Europe, compliments the city very nicely. There is an absence of an underground rail, but that is compensated for by the canals, street trams, and bike paths. The city is small and relatively easy to access from the airport. Schipol, the main hub for flights into Amsterdam, can be a bit pricey and a more affordable option is available in Eindhoven International Airpot which is located an hour and a half outside of the cityt. With Europe's largest canal system  in terms of distance of canals (yes, even larger than Venice), and 2nd to Copenhagen in terms of bike paths/lanes, Amsterdam provides a very unique and efficient travel system via water.

Accomodations: B
The living quarters in Amsterdam were definitely sub-par. I was told by friends who had previously visited the city that if there was ever a weekend to invest in a decent hotel this was the one. Surely enough, when I had seen the living quarters that my other friends were subjected to within their hostel, I was very happy with my decision. The hostels and the amenities they provided were without a question, unsatisfactory.
The locals were generally nice and saved Amsterdam's grade in this category. Most are well educated and understand that tourism accounts for a considerable part of the city's income. Amsterdam is among of the the loosest cities in the world in terms of drug-laws, and considering many of the local's have to deal with disrespectful and insubordinate tourists who are often under the influence, they are very respectful and warm.

Nightlife: C
The portrayal of Amsterdam through mass media provides for a hell of a shock when tourists encounter the city. The nightly social scene in Amsterdam begins to shut-down at 1:30am with the exception of the red-light district. Students who leave their home-cities (abroad or at home in the US) for a weekend of night-filled debauchery are better off saving their money and staying home, because truth be told, Amsterdam isn't what many perceive it to be in terms of nightlife.

Safety: B
There is very little in Amsterdam to suggest that it is an unsafe city, other than the fact that wherever there are an overwhelming number of tourists, there are an overwhelming number of shady characters looking to profit/scheme on them. Besides for one person I know getting pickpocketed, there were very few incidents where me, and both my guy and girl-friends encountered any trouble or felt threatened. The loose drug-laws save tourists the trouble of dealing with hagglers on the streets trying to sell their product, like they do in so many other European cities.

Affordability: B
In Amsterdam,I found that my friends and I spent an average amount of money in relation to our other weekends traveling. Food, although awful, was generally inexpensive and the guided tours were fairly priced as well. Furthermore, Amsterdam provides tourists with many affordable travel options from getting to the city to actually traveling from point to point within the city.

Aesthetic/Scenic Beauty: AB
If there ever was a reason to visit Amsterdam, or even study abroad there, the city's architectural and scenic beauty would be it. Many of America's most highly regarded architectural cities, like New York and Chicago, find much of their influence in Amsterdam. In some places where the city's buildings may be very uniform and mundane, the presence of canals provides a nice contrast. The one issue lies in its sanitation department. Garbage pick-ups occur only once a week, leaving garbage to pile up on the side of streets until its collection by sanitation crews.

Cuisine: F
For a city which yields such strong appetites through the presence of its loose drug laws (research has shown an increase of appetite as a side effect associated with marijuana usage), Amsterdam couldn't provide less of a nourishing environment. The presence of so many fast food giants is extremely fitting considering they must have little competition from local food vendors. My best meal in Amsterdam: a $5 gyro which can only be considered a 5th as good as an average gyro in the United States.

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